Joy McEwen

Joy McEwen

Joy McEwen manages Diggin’ Livin’ Farm & Apiaries, a homestead, organic farm, and commercial beekeeping operation. She holds two bachelor of science degrees, as well as a master of science in environmental science from Oregon State University. When she isn’t tending hives or farming, she works as an apitherapist with a practice in southern Oregon and makes a line of jun beverages called Honey Bee Brews. Joy is a committee member on the USDA Farm Service Agency board for Josephine and Jackson Counties, Oregon, and serves as a board member on the Illinois Valley Watershed Council, as well as a board member for the American Apitherapy Society.

Diggin’ Livin’ is the McEwens’ farm in Takilma, Oregon, located on the pristine Illinois River, where the McEwens manufacture their woodenware and teach beekeeping and apitherapy. Joy and Eric live there with their three daughters, Fern, Clarysage, and Tulsi. Their website is

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Books By Joy McEwen