Jeoffrey Drobot

Jeoffrey Drobot

Dr. Jeoffrey Drobot, NMD is one of the co-founders and medical directors at the American Center for Biological Medicine (ACBM) in Scottsdale, Arizona. Dr. Drobot also sees patients at his Canadian clinic in Calgary, Alberta, where he has practiced for sixteen years. He graduated from the University of Calgary with a degree in exercise physiology in 1997 and then received a doctorate degree from the National University of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, graduating in 2001. He has spent the last twenty years learning from the best and seeking out cutting edge science and technology to assess and amplify human biology and physiology. Dr. Drobot works closely with amateur and professional athletes as well as organizations and companies interested in peak performance and longevity.

A leading authority in the field of bioregulatory medicine, Dr. Drobot has decades of experiencing working with chronic and autoimmune disease treatments, detoxification, hormonal imbalance correction, and customized sports medicine and nutrition programs. His love of medicine has evolved into a vast clinical focus treating men, women, and children from the youngest to the oldest. A passion for learning has regularly led him to travel the world attending seminars, educating others, and spending time with the most talented people in medicine. He has partnerships with the exclusive resort community, Albany, in the Bahamas, Made Foods in Calgary, as well as various other health and wellness organizations around the world. When not traveling the globe on one of his multiple health ventures or with professional sports teams, Dr. Drobot can also be found at where he has an active, live Q&A and educational video portal focusing on high level health education and guidance.