Articles: Organic

two people gardening

Food Forests: What is a Community Food Forest?

The recent rise of community food forests and similar projects have come at an imperative time. More than 80 percent of the US population now resides in…

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kid eating out of a bowl

Toxic Food, Sick Kids, and the Limits of Medicine: The Perfect Storm

Why is it that approximately 40% of children now have a food allergy? Is the industrial & toxic food system to blame or modern medical practices? Perhaps…

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The wonderful world of lemons

We all need to give lemons some more credit because they are truly one of the most versatile fruits. Think of how many foods and drinks you…

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overlooking a village

How One Small Town Banned Pesticides: Freedom from Poison

The recent uncovering of The Poison Papers—a collection of documents revealing years of apparent collusion between companies producing pesticides and other chemicals and regulatory agencies such as…

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Organic No-Till: Farming like the Earth Matters

If we could do one thing for the planet it would be to ditch the plough. When we turn over soil, the air and sun wreak havoc…

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