Articles: mushrooms
Growing Shiitake Mushrooms in a Garage or Yard
Learn how to grow shiitake mushrooms in almost any environment, including your yard and even your garage!
Read MoreBrew Outside the Box: Making Mushroom-Infused Beer
For the adventurous brewer infusing mushrooms into brews is a great way to combine the medicinal benefits of fungi with one of the world’s most consumed drinks.
Read MoreFocusing on Soil Remediation with Fungi
Nature does what needs to be done if we let her. The fungi and the plants will sing this soil redemption song for us. As the fungi and the plants always have.
Read MoreDrill, Plug, Wax, Wait: 6 Simple Steps to Growing Mushrooms Outdoors
Mushrooms: they’re versatile, they’re delicious, and they’re extremely simple to grow in your yard or garden. We have a mushroom growing method that’s so simple, you have…
Read MoreGrow Mushrooms on Your Jeans. Seriously.
Do you have an old, worn-out pair of jeans in your dresser? Instead of throwing them out, try to grow mushrooms on them. Follow this simple step-by-step…
Read MoreHow to Become a Shiitake Mushroom Farmer
Interested in becoming a mushroom farmer? Shiitake mushrooms are one of the easiest and most profitable places to start. The following is an excerpt from Farming the…
Read MoreMushrooms & Wild Herbs Salsa: A Refreshing Spring Recipe
Spring into the season with a fresh, wildcrafted appetizer! This recipe for mushrooms and wild herbs salsa is very adaptable, giving you freedom to use ingredients you…
Read MoreCandy Cap Mushroom Beer: Brewing Wild Beers
Yes, you read that right…mushroom beer! This recipe is perfect for beginners who want to try making their own wild, homemade brews. The following is an excerpt from…
Read MoreA Guide to Growing Oyster Mushrooms Indoors
What’s so great about oyster mushrooms? First, you can add them to the short list of foods that can be grown indoors! This fungus can grow almost anywhere–from…
Read MoreBelow the Mushroom Cap: The Mycelium and Its Secrets
How do mushrooms grow? How do they eat, reproduce, or spread? What exactly is a mushroom? All of these answers and more can be found in the intricate,…
Read MoreComposting and Recycling Mushrooms
Beyond guaranteeing a bountiful harvest, cultivating mushrooms on various surfaces has plenty of benefits. Growing, composting, and recycling mushrooms reduces waste and helps the environment. The following…
Read More5 Uses for the Mighty Woodchip
Very often, the best things come in small packages, and the humble woodchip is no exception. We’re all familiar with the use of woodchips in mulch, and…
Read More8 Ways to Take Your Mushroom Madness to a New Level
Mushrooms. What can’t they do? You can grow them on a log, a compost pile, or even your jeans. Throw them in your favorite dish, or save…
Read MoreSo You Want to Be a Mycologist
Due to the wave of ‘mycophelia’ occurring in North America, educational workshops that cover the basics of mushroom and fungal life are not hard to come by.…
Read MoreMagic Mushrooms: A History
When the word “mushroom” comes to mind, “magic” isn’t far behind. But what started this almost immediate association between mushrooms and illicit drugs? While there are some…
Read MoreFungi: All Around and Among Us
Fungi are fundamental to life. As decomposers, they are critical to the formation and sustenance of soils and ecosystems. As endlessly innovative chemists, they devise and secrete…
Read MoreThe Secret Life of Fungi
Fungi have intricate lives, behaviors, and uses most people are unaware of. Mychorrizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with the root systems of other plants. The crucial, symbiotic role…
Read MorePlant and Mushroom Medicines for Cancer
Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the main cancer treatments people turn to when diagnosed. These high-risk and chemical-heavy options aren’t the only ones—plants and mushrooms are on…
Read MoreForaging for Mushrooms: Gourmet Root Systems
For people who enjoy foraging for food in the wild, there are plenty of mushrooms to choose from — “ten thousand mushroom species to be considered on the North…
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