
Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom

The Scanned cover
Pages:208 pages
Size: 5.375 x 8.375 inch
Publisher:Chelsea Green Publishing
Pub. Date: March 17, 2022
ISBN: 9781645021629


Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom

Availability: Out of stock



Unprecedented levels of government surveillance; loss of privacy through corporate data mining; centralized digital currency; behavioral tracking and control: Is this the digital future we’ve been sleepwalking towards?   

“Nick Corbishley has the frenetic energy of someone who has seen too much. His book is fantastic.”—Russell Brand, “Under the Skin” podcast

Untold millions of people in “democracies” all over the world were barred from accessing basic services in 2021—from earning a living or traveling within their own country—because they lacked proper digital identification surrounding the vaccine. For many, 2021 will be remembered as the year that basic, long-standing bioethical principles such as bodily autonomy, bodily integrity, and the informed consent of the patient ended. 

In Scanned, investigative journalist Nick Corbishley examines and exposes the lies and overreach that underpin the wholesale erosion of personal freedoms that is continuing to happen at an alarming rate. In clear language supported by rigorous research, Corbishley uncovers how the rollout of vaccine passports, digital IDs and centralized digital currency not only represents an unprecedented violation of privacy and bodily autonomy, but how it perpetuates the idea that a “small” collective sacrifice will allow us to return to normality.

Today, digital “health” IDs threaten to go totally global, with the World Health Organization’s tacit endorsement. On all five continents governments and corporations are quietly but quickly rolling out digital ID programs. At the same time, 90% of the world’s central banks are exploring a central bank digital currency (CBDC), with half of them already developing an electronic version of their fiat money.

These interlocking initiatives threaten to radically reconfigure the way societies and economies function. If successful, they will facilitate the single largest expansion of totalitarian power in history, exposing citizens to unprecedented levels of government and corporate surveillance, data mining, and behavioral control. The stakes could not be higher.

And if things continue on the current path, Corbishley makes clear, getting back to “normal” is never happening. Put simply, instead of a return to normality, we will see the creation of a starkly different form of existence in which most of us will have virtually no agency over our own lives.

Listen to the audiobook sample chapters!

These are free sample chapters taken from the audiobook of Scanned by Nick Corbishley. ***Included: The Introduction and Chapter 4: Untold Consequence*** Buy the audiobook here!


Reviews and Praise

  • “Nick Corbishley exposes the intricate web spun by global predators using the principles of mass formation psychosis in order to drive an agenda of worldwide injection of biologically active substances. People entranced in fear and confusion feel their entire existence depends on periodic receipt of grossly unsafe and ineffective products—all to live the day-by-day existence they had grown to expect. Corbishley unwinds this madness into an understandable framework with chilling insights about the loss of medical freedom that is inextricably linked to loss of social and economic freedoms. This book is an emergency read.”—Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH; chief medical advisor, Truth for Health Foundation

More Reviews and Praise

About Nick Corbishley

Nick Corbishley is a writer, journalist, teacher, and translator based in Barcelona. Formerly a senior contributing editor at the San Francisco–based economics and finance news site Wolf Street, he is currently a regular contributor to the US financial news and analysis blog Naked Capitalism, where he writes about financial, economic, and political trends and developments in Europe and Latin America. He also worked for many years at a well-respected business and economics journal in Spain. Nick is an occasional speaker (in English or Spanish) on economic, political, and geopolitical topics. Nick holds a BA in history from Sheffield University, speaks three languages (English, French, and Spanish) and is a regular visitor to his beloved country-in-law, Mexico.

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Books by Nick Corbishley

The Scanned cover