Quality Pasture

How to Create It, Manage It & Profit From It, 2nd Edition

The Quality Pasture cover
Pages:300 pages
Size: 6 x 9 inch
Publisher:Green Park Press
Pub. Date: August 1, 2019
ISBN: 9780986014765

Quality Pasture

How to Create It, Manage It & Profit From It, 2nd Edition

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Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $22.75.

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How to create quality pasture from the soil up

This 2nd edition, revised and completely updated by Jim Gerrish, offers down-to-earth, low cost tactics to create high-energy pasture that will reduce or eliminate expensive inputs or purchased feeds for year-round grazing. Includes: wet weather tips, how to create a drought management plan, matching livestock to climate, and how to extend the grazing season during winter and summer slumps.


About Allan Nation

Allan Nation served as the editor of The Stockman Grass Farmer magazine from 1977 until his death in November, 2016.

Begun in 1947, it was Mississippi’s oldest farm publication. Based in Ridgeland, Mississippi, The Stockman Grass Farmer is an international publication that covers management-intensive grassland enterprises for producers of pasture-raised livestock. This includes stocker cattle, grass finished beef and lamb, and pasture-based dairying. It is the only monthly publication in North America devoted solely to management-intensive grassland farming in all its aspects.

The son of a commercial cattle rancher, Nation grew up in Greenville, Mississippi. He traveled to some 30 countries around the world studying and photographing grassland farming systems. In 1987, he authored a section on Management-intensive Grazing in the USDA Yearbook of Agriculture and served as a consultant and resource for Audubon Society Television Specials, National Geographic, WTBS, PBS, and National Public Radio. He received the 1993 Agricultural Conservation Award from the American Farmland Trust for spearheading the drive behind the grass farming revolution in the United States.

Nation was a featured speaker at ranching and grasslands conference and authored 11 books on pasture-based livestock and artisan meats and milk products.

Books by Allan Nation

The Grassfed to Finish cover
The Knowledge Rich Ranching cover
The Creating a Family Business cover
The Quality Pasture cover