Mortgage Free!

Innovative Strategies for Debt-Free Home Ownership, 2nd Edition

The Mortgage Free! cover
Pages:368 pages
Book Art:Black and white photos and illustrations
Size: 6 x 9 inch
Publisher:Chelsea Green Publishing
Pub. Date: November 15, 2008
ISBN: 9781603580656

Mortgage Free!

Innovative Strategies for Debt-Free Home Ownership, 2nd Edition

Availability: Out of stock



mort•gage (mor´-gij)
n. from Old French morgage, mort gage, literally “death pledge”

As a wave of foreclosures sweeps the country, many people are giving up hope for owning a home of their own. They have good reason to turn their backs on the banks, but not on their dreams. In this revised edition of Mortgage Free!, Rob Roy offers a series of escape routes from enslavement to financial institutions, underscored by true stories of intrepid homeowners who have put their principles into action.

From back-to-the-land homesteads to country homes, here is a complete guide to strategies that allow you to own your land and home, free and clear, without the bank. Included is detailed advice about:

  • Clarifying and simplifying your notions of what’s necessary
  • Finding land that you love and can afford
  • Taking control of the house-building process, for the sake of sanity and pleasure
  • Learning to take a long-term perspective on your family’s crucial economic decisions, avoiding debt and modern-day serfdom


Reviews and Praise

  • "Yes! It's about time somebody put together a how-to book for shedding those chains of a 30-year mortgage. We don't have to slump through life in bondage. We can live well AND have our freedom, and Rob Roy shows us how in this entertaining, detailed, and well-illustrated book."--Janet Luhrs, author of The Simple Living Guide

About Robert L. Roy

Rob Roy knows what it means to live mortgage free. As director of Earthwood Building School since 1981, he has instructed many in the arts of natural building, and renewable energy. He is also the author of Earth-Sheltered Houses, Cordwood Building, Timber Framing for the Rest of Us, The Sauna, and Stone Circles. Rob and his family live in West Chazy, New York. You can learn more about Earthwood Building School at

Books by Robert L. Roy

The Sauna cover
The Mortgage Free! cover