Master Your Diabetes
A Comprehensive, Integrative Approach for Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Master Your Diabetes
A Comprehensive, Integrative Approach for Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
The evidence is clear: We are in the midst of a worldwide diabetes epidemic. In the United States alone, one in three Americans is either diabetic (29 million patients) or prediabetic (87 million patients), costing an annual $242 billion in medical treatments.
In Master Your Diabetes, naturopathic physician and diabetes expert Dr. Mona Morstein shows how people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can gain and maintain excellent control of their blood sugar levels, preventing and even reversing existing complications through education combined with medical support and encouragement. This is the first comprehensive guide for patients, caregivers, and medical practitioners to demonstrate an integrative approach based on the “eight essentials” of treatment and prevention: a low-carb diet, exercise, good sleep, stress management, healing the gut, detoxification, supplementation, and medications.
Topics covered include:
- Important physical exams and lab work
- Conventional diets and non-insulin medications
- Insulin
- Low-carb diets and how they apply to different food groups
- Lifestyle factors, including exercise, stress management, and the microbiome
- Diabetic supplementation
- Pediatric diabetes
An indispensable resource, Master Your Diabetes will empower readers to take control of their condition and continue living full, active, enjoyable, and long lives.
Reviews and Praise
Library Journal—
"With an emphasis on alternative approaches vs. conventional treatments, licensed naturopathic physician Morstein provides a comprehensive guide to diabetes management. Unlike traditional diabetes therapy and management guides, this text offers an integrative model of holistic care for those living with the disease. It begins with a general overview of diabetes and progresses into treatment and management options with special attention given to detailing the patient’s physical exam and describing lab work values. The crux of the book is structured around 'The Eight Essentials,' an integrative protocol consisting of diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, healing the gut and microbiome, environmental detoxification, supplementation, and medications. The science presented is well researched and founded on sound evidence with claims supported by scholarly works, including case reports, systematic reviews, and metaanalyses. Verdict: Those looking for alternatives to conventional diabetes management approaches will find this a comprehensive and practical resource. Recommended for diabetic and prediabetic patients, as well as family members of those diagnosed."
More Reviews and Praise
“We know more about diabetes than ever in history, yet disease rates are not declining appreciably, while costs to manage the disease continue to soar. In Master Your Diabetes, Dr. Morstein draws from the best of conventional and integrative therapies to provide diabetic patients an easy-to-implement program to regain their health.”—Robb Wolf, author of Wired to Eat and The Paleo Solution
“This book is as complete a compendium on diabetes management as I have ever read. What is more, it tells the truth: ‘To be blunt, no person with T2DM should ever wind up on insulin if they follow the protocol established by an integrative physician.’ Type 2 diabetes is both preventable and in a majority of cases can be put into remission. This book is an ideal reference to understand how and why.”—Timothy Noakes, MD, PhD, emeritus professor, University of Cape Town, South Africa; founder, The Noakes Foundation
“In Master Your Diabetes, Dr. Mona Morstein covers the topic of holistic diabetes management in exceptional detail, providing real-world guidance for creating a low-carb lifestyle based on anti-inflammatory, organic, nutrient-dense foods and supportive lifestyle measures to improve blood sugar control and reduce disease risk. This comprehensive, well-written, and evidence-based book is ideal for medical and nutrition professionals, those with diabetes or prediabetes, and anyone interested in improving their overall health and vitality through healthy, low-carb living.”—Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE
“Dr. Morstein has developed a comprehensive and unique approach to the treatment of diabetes; the information she provides is priceless.”—Dr. Jared Zeff, ND, LAc
“Dr. Morstein is certainly one of the world’s top experts in the integrative management of diabetes. This book is a must-have resource for both clinicians and for people diagnosed with diabetes.”—Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO, executive director, TAP Integrative