Keeping It Green

A handbook for creating & managing irrigated pasture

The Keeping It Green cover
Pages:90 pages
Book Art:6 photos plus 8 diagrams in black and white
Size: 6 x 9 inch
Publisher:Green Park Press
Pub. Date: August 10, 2023
ISBN: 9780986014772

Keeping It Green

A handbook for creating & managing irrigated pasture

Availability: In stock



“[Keeping It Green] belongs on the grass farmers’ bookshelf. It’s succinct, practical, and dedicated precisely to irrigation. We can all be thankful Jim put his years of personal and consulting experience down on paper.”—Joel Salatin, Farmer and author

Covers all types of irrigation – flood, solid set, hand lines, wheel line systems, line pod – with pros and cons of each. Illustrations detail cell designs and grazing with irrigation. Includes economics to determine best value and fit for your livestock class.

Keeping it Green was written for both the beginning irrigator as well as those who have spent their farming or ranching lifetime in an irrigated environment.


Reviews and Praise

  • “When we started dabbling with irrigation on our farm some 20 years ago I sure wish I'd had Keeping It Green, A handbook for creating and managing irrigated pasture as a reference and protocol. It would have shortened our learning curve. 
    But even after two decades of irrigation, I found Jim Gerrish's new book full of helpful information.
    Few people could possibly match Jim's breadth of experience with irrigation. […] Billed as a handbook, don't let the size of this book fool you. It belongs on the grass farmers' bookshelf alongside lengthier tomes. It's succinct, practical, and dedicated precisely to irrigation. We can all be thankful Jim put his years of personal and consulting experience down on paper.”

    —Joel Salatin, Farmer and author

About Jim Gerrish

Jim Gerrish grew up on a grain and alfalfa hay farm in south-central Illinois. He spent over 22 years conducting beef-forage systems research and outreach while on the faculty of the University of Missouri. With over 20 years of commercial cattle and sheep production on his family farm in northern Missouri, he also has one foot solidly planted in commercial livestock production.

His research at the University of Missouri-Forage Systems Research Center encompassed many aspects of plant-soil-animal interactions and provided the foundation for many of the basic principles of Management-intensive Grazing.

Today, with his wife, Dawn, he contract grazes a commercial cow-calf operation on 260 irrigated acres in Idaho. He has received awards from the American Forage and Grassland Council, Missouri Forage and Grassland Council, National Center for Appropriate Technology, USDA-NRCS, the Soil and Water Conservation Society and others. He is also an independent grazing lands consultant providing service to farmers and ranchers on both private and public lands across the USA and internationally.

Books by Jim Gerrish

The Management-intensive Grazing cover
The Kick the Hay Habit cover
The Keeping It Green cover