Green Mother

Families Fit for the Future

The Green Mother cover
Pages:220 pages
Book Art:Black-and-white illustrations throughout
Size: 6.73 x 8.7 inch
Publisher:Hammersmith Books Limited
Pub. Date: March 10, 2022
ISBN: 9781781612040

Green Mother

Families Fit for the Future

Availability: In stock



A no-nonsense guide to pregnancy and child rearing for those who want to reap the advantages of modern Western life while avoiding its pitfalls

“Modern Western life is eroding the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of our children so seriously that the very survival of our species is threatened. More children than ever are fat and fatigued, learning disabled and emotionally damaged, and the responsibility lies with us. We are killing with kindness in an attempt to provide a stress-free, safe environment for our most loved.”—Sarah Myhill and Michelle McCullagh

Green Mother is for those who want the best of both worlds—to reap the advantages of modern Western life but recognise its pitfalls. This book aims to give parents, would-be parents, grandparents, siblings and all members of the ‘tribe’ that surround a new baby the theoretical and intellectual imperatives to tread this difficult path, the practical day-to-day realities that must be overcome, and the encouragement to do so. The book is beautifully illustrated with 50 of Michelle’s sketches.

Contents include: 

  • Mothers and fathers: what to do pre-conception to reduce risks
  • The Paleo-Ketogenic (PK) diet: the non-negotiable foundation for success
  • Normal pregnancy: avoiding complications
  • Childbirth and immediate postpartum: being informed and involved in decision-making
  • Breastfeeding and weaning
  • Sleep
  • The baby who cries
  • The ‘first brain’—the immune system: vaccination decisions, training the immune system
  • Minor childhood ailments
  • Serious avoidable childhood problems
  • The ‘second brain’—emotional confidence
  • The ‘third brain’—sub-conscious, conscious and intellectual
  • Infertility and assisted conception


About Sarah Myhill

Dr Sarah Myhill qualified in medicine (with Honours) from Middlesex Hospital Medical School in 1981 and has since focused tirelessly on identifying and treating the underlying causes of health problems, especially the ‘diseases of civilisation’ with which we are beset in the West. She has worked in NHS and private practice, latterly as a naturopathic doctor, and for 17 years was the Hon Secretary of the British Society for Ecological Medicine, which focuses on the causes of disease and treating through diet, supplements and avoiding toxic stress. She helps to run and lectures at the Society’s training courses and also lectures regularly on organophosphate poisoning, the problems of silicone, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Visit her website at

Connect with Sarah Myhill

Books by Sarah Myhill

The Sustainable Medicine cover
The PK Cookbook cover
The Infection Game cover
The Energy Equation cover
The Green Mother cover
The Paleo-Ketogenic cover
The Underactive Thyroid cover
The Ecological Medicine
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

About Michelle McCullagh

Michelle McCullagh is a successful artist and Green Mother of two toddlers living and working in Dorset.

Books by Michelle McCullagh

The Green Mother cover