Chelsea Green Blog
October Garden Planning: 10 Tips for Success
Just because fall is here, that doesn’t mean gardening season is over! There’s still plenty of time to wrap up the season, prepare for next year, and tackle all of those pesky to-dos around the homestead. So without further ado, here’s your October garden planning cheat sheet. October Garden Planning: The Harvest 1. Pumpkins and…
Read MoreHow to Make Mulch With Fallen Leaves
The leaves are falling, which means it’s time to start raking and figuring out what to do with them. This year, try turning your fallen leaves into mulch for your garden! The following is an excerpt from Will Bonsall’s Essential Guide to Radical, Self-Reliant Gardening by Will Bonsall. It has been adapted for the web.…
Read MoreHow to Harvest, Store, and Cure Squash
Squash newbies, this one’s for you! Learn how to harvest, cure, and store squash with these tried-and-true techniques. The following excerpt is from The Resilient Gardener by Carol Deppe. It has been adapted for the web. Featured Image Credit: Johnny’s Selected Seeds Harvesting Squash When we harvest, we don’t want to break the fruit off…
Read MoreA Guide to Harvesting Hazelnuts
Today, hazelnuts are all the rage. These small nuts, known for their one-of-a-kind flavor, are both delicious AND hearty enough to be grown and harvested in almost any weather conditions. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start harvesting hazelnuts! The following is an excerpt from Cold-Hardy Fruits and Nuts by Scott Serrano and Allyson…
Read MoreBokashi Bins: Easy and Affordable Kitchen Composting
Looking for a new way to compost? With Bokashi bins, the organic matter from your compost is broken down and turned into a preserved or pickled substance. Plus, the whole design is affordable and easy to build & use! The following is an excerpt from The Ecological Gardener by Matt Rees-Warren. It has been adapted for the…
Read More8 Steps to Fermented Hot Sauce With Wild Greens
Hot sauce fans, this one’s for you! This easy recipe for fermented hot sauce with wild greens is sure to add an extra punch of flavor to your favorite meal. The following is an excerpt from The New Wildcrafted Cuisine, by Pascal Baudar. It has been adapted for the web. RECIPE: Fermented Hot Sauce With…
Read MoreHow to Use Vinegar Extracts to Enrich Your Soil
Want to enrich your soil and get the most out of your garden? Mastering soil amendments is a must! Soil amendments, such as composting and natural sprays, enhance soil and increase nutrients available to your plants. Use just a little bit of vinegar and some leftovers in your kitchen to create an extraction that will give your crops a…
Read MoreStart Your Own Medicinal Herb Garden with These 3 Herbs
Want to start your own medicinal herb garden? Passionflower, lemon balm, and goldenseal are the best place to begin! These herbs are not only jam-packed with medicinal properties; they’re also extremely easy to grow in a majority of climates. With a little background information on the proper growing conditions, medicinal uses, and harvesting and drying tips,…
Read More5 Activities for Summer Vacation Fun
School’s out for summer! Fill the lull between beach trips and camp with some of our favorite kid-friendly activities for summer vacation fun. From sunrise to sunset, there’s always something to do in the kitchen or the garden that will keep the kids entertained and educated all season long. How to Get Your Kids in the…
Read MoreThe Seven Layers of A Forest Garden
When you create a forest garden, you give nature the reigns and let it take the hard part off your hands. All you need to do is get to work on creating the seven layers, and the forest will take care of the rest. The following is an excerpt from The Home-Scale Forest Garden by Dani…
Read More9 Things to Consider When Building Your Own Greenhouse
Daydreaming of extending your growing season and building your own greenhouse? After considering the following factors and making a few additional preparations, you’ll be all set to grow food for you and your family in your backyard greenhouse for years to come. The following is an excerpt from The Forest Garden Greenhouse by Jerome Osentowski.…
Read MoreDo It Yourself This Season: Summer DIY Projects
Summer is a time to be outside and enjoy the much-needed sunshine. And what’s more fun than creating something yourself while soaking up everything the season has to offer? Whether you consider yourself a cook, a gardener, or a crafter, there’s a summer DIY project that is sure to fit your interests & lifestyle. Here are…
Read MoreThe Captivating Currant: Growing & Pruning
Shrubs, known as a forest garden staple, have the potential to produce beautiful flowers and delicious fruits. One of these fruits is the delightful and versatile currant. Read on to learn about the main types of currant shrubs, along with how to prune currants annually to help the shrub continue producing fruit for years to come.…
Read MoreA Meditation On Garden Weeding: Reflecting On A Day In the Garden
Gardening takes hard work; so it may slip your mind to take a moment, step back, and look at all you’ve accomplished. You might just come across some new ideas to improve your garden. In the excerpt below, author Carol Deppe reflects on her time spent garden weeding and how her actions can often transcend…
Read MoreSoil Remediation: Restore Your Soil With Woodchip
If you’re in need of some soil remediation, give woodchip a try! One of woodchip’s secret superpowers is its ability to restore soil. From bioremediation to erosion to soil compaction and more, woodchip is here to save the day. The following is an excerpt from The Woodchip Handbook by Ben Raskin. It has been adapted for the web.…
Read MoreContainer Gardening 101: Growing Food In A Small Space
Do you dream of fresh produce at your fingertips but only have access to a small balcony or window sill? Do you have a community garden or allotment but still want more? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you should start container gardening! Highly adaptable and hugely rewarding, container gardening is a…
Read MoreHow Did the Lanternfly Become the Enemy?
We’ve been told to destroy any lanternflies because they’re “invasive and destructive” to our environment. In reality, these small pests are simply living like any other insect would — so why is the lanternfly under attack? The following is an excerpt from Love, Nature, Magic by Maria Rodale. It has been adapted for the web.…
Read MoreA Nourishing Recipe to Boost Seedling Growth
You don’t need to use chemicals or other unnatural ingredients to give your seedlings a boost. Just use a combination of seaweed, apple cider vinegar, and other nontoxic ingredients create the perfect blend. Each recipe can be modified to complement the soil and climate for the best-producing crops. The following is an excerpt from No-Till Intensive…
Read MoreMulching 101: Why Mulch Matters
Mulch is essential to soil health because it acts as a barrier against water loss and heat, reduces weeds, improves soil structure, and provides a habitat for animals. Once you’ve found the right method for your garden or homestead, mulching is an easy way to boost your soil’s health. Plus, it’s fairly inexpensive if you collect…
Read More5 Uses for the Mighty Woodchip
Very often, the best things come in small packages, and the humble woodchip is no exception. We’re all familiar with the use of woodchips in mulch, and while they are an excellent mulching material, woodchips have many other uses. Think mushroom growing material and animal bedding; think plant propagation and soil amendments — the list goes…
Read MoreHow to Design Your Own Container Garden
Want to create your own garden, but don’t think you’d have the room for it? Think again. According to Mark Ridsdill Smith, author of The Vertical Veg to Container Gardening and creator of the Vertical Veg website, almost any small space can transform into a garden with a little bit of soil, seeds, and inspiration. In…
Read MoreVermicast 101: Good for Soil and Plants
Worms aren’t just the squiggly, pink creatures found on the sidewalk after it rains. They are so much more than that. These highly regarded specimens play a vital role in enhancing our soils and revitalizing the health of the plants we need to survive. But how do we get them to work their magic? Through…
Read MoreThe Process of Growing Grain: Dealing With Weeds
Want to grow grains this spring, but weeds keep getting in the way? With the right tools and practices, you can keep weeds from affecting your grains and handle them without hurting the environment. In the passage below, farming expert Jack Lazor explains the characteristics of the weeds that might appear along the way and offers…
Read MoreGrass: Nothing Can Grow Without Love
If you take a walk around your neighborhood in the spring and summertime, chances are you’ll catch someone mowing their lawn or treating their grass with chemicals. Homeowners around the country are fixated on ensuring that their lawn looks clean and maintained at all times — but the process of beautifying a lawn may just…
Read MoreWhy You Should Try Container Gardening
There are countless reasons to grow at home, from eating more healthily to saving money on your grocery bills. We can’t list them all here, but we can outline three very good reasons to try container gardening. (If you’d like more, take a look at The Vertical Veg Guide to Container Gardening. Mark Ridsdill Smith…
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