Garlic Growing 101: From Seed to Harvest
All hail the mighty garlic clove! Become a master at garlic growing with these simple tips for growing no-till garlic yourself from seed to harvest.
Read MoreVermicast Structures: Worm Real Estate
Farmers rely on earthworms to create vermicomposting systems to improve seed germination, enhanced seedling growth and increased plant productivity.
Read MoreThe Promising Persimmon: How to Make Persimmon Vinegar
This bright, yet delicate flavor profile is both sweet and sour – a unique taste that you’ll keep coming back to. This recipe is intended for long, slow fermentation starting at persimmon harvest time in the autumn and continuing into winter.
Read MoreBuilding Your Own Root Cellar for the Fall Harvest
Building a root cellar is a great way to keep your harvest fresh through the cold months. With protection from weather and animals, these cellars can be just as good as a regular refrigerator. They can be built into a wall in your basement, dug into the ground, or simply buried. The following excerpt is…
Read MoreFrom the Garden to the Bread Basket: Rosemary Bread, Scones and Stuffing
Rosemary bread is the perfect compliment from cream cheese to strawberry jam to squash soup! The results are quite fantastic. Indulge in the trio of recipes below from rosemary bread, rosemary walnut scones to rosemary stuffing.
Read MoreHow To Make Sour Pickles
Sour pickles have a deep, robust taste. They are wonderfully sour and crisp with a flavor that’s guaranteed to make you smile.
Read MoreComposting as if it Mattered
Composting is more than a way to minimize waste and a garden supplement. It is a method, when practiced and perfected, can supply all the needs of your crops and soil.
Read MoreAbout Thyme: Growing, Harvesting, and Drying Thyme
Thyme is easy to grow and harvest in almost any condition. Follow these tips to get started growing, harvesting (and drying) thyme in your home or backyard!
Read MoreThe Importance of Planting Cover Crops
If you want to improve your soil, one of the most important things you can do is to plant cover crops. But they need to be selected with a purpose.
Read MoreNatural Cheesemaking: A Love Letter to Milk
Cheese is milk’s destiny. Be inspired by the celebration of milk-in all its forms-especially the transformation of milk into cheese through natural cheesemaking
Read MoreWeeding: Work Smarter, Not Harder
Weeds are the bane of every farmer and gardener’s existence. Before you go crusading against the weeds in your garden follow these tips and tricks!
Read MorePreserving Veggies: Tips for Freezing Vegetables
Try your hand at preserving veggies by freezing them! Freezing vegetables is a quick, simple way to preserve them for winter meals.
Read MoreA Guide to Making Jams and Syrups With Wild Ingredients
The possibilities are pretty much endless with wild ingredients — use almost any fresh fruit or juice and a sweetener to create your own custom jam or syrup!
Read MoreAll About Cows: What has Four Legs, Says “Moo,” and Could Save the Planet?
Cows can help rebuild soil and restore land to its rightful state—improving carbon sequestration, natural water cycles, and soil fertility and nutrient density.
Read MoreThe Whole Sunflower: Delicious Down to the Stem
Did you know that more than just the seeds of a sunflower are edible? Almost every part of a sunflower are completely safe and delicious when cooked correctly.
Read MoreArid Agriculture: Strategies to Reduce Heat Stress in Crops and Livestock
Become more resilient when the temperatures are on the rise to reduce heat stress and produce food in even the most arid environments.
Read MoreFruit-Infused Vinegar: How to Make Vinegar With Blueberries and Blackberries
Looking for something to do with the berries you’ve been growing all season? These recipes for infused vinegars allow you to get creative with unique flavors.
Read MoreA Guide to Great Compost From Eliot Coleman
Compost is the key to an abundant garden. Learn the basics of making compost from gardening expert Eliot Coleman, and enjoy the joy of growing your own food.
Read MoreHow to Save Tomato Seeds
As your favorite variety of home grown tomatoes start ripening on the vine this summer, be sure to save those seeds for next year’s planting. It takes a bit of care to get the seeds out of the gelatinous tomato goo they’re suspended in, but once you’ve done it you can use those seeds to…
Read MoreFocusing on Soil Remediation with Fungi
Nature does what needs to be done if we let her. The fungi and the plants will sing this soil redemption song for us. As the fungi and the plants always have.
Read MoreDilly Beans: Voted The “Best Snack Ever”
For those who love fermented foods, we now welcome you into the wonderful world of dilly beans. There’s nothing quite like a dilly bean. Whether they’re next to a plate of cheese and crackers, on a sandwich, or taken straight from the jar in the middle of winter when you’re sick of potatoes and pasta,…
Read MoreBiodynamic Farming: Unlock Fertile Fields with Cows & Compost
“An immediate halt to chemical fertilizing and returning to the use of compost instead would turn degeneration into regeneration.”
Read MoreHow to Make Whole Fruit Jam
This tried-and-true jam recipe relies on the natural sugars in fruit to provide a balanced flavor and sweetness that can’t be beat.
Read MoreThe Art of Grazing: What Is “Good” Silvopasture Grazing?
If you’re not familiar with silvopasture, you should be. The integrated system offers both the promise of land regeneration and economic livelihood.
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