Judith D. Schwartz
Judith D. Schwartz is a journalist whose work explores nature-based solutions to global environmental and economic challenges. She writes on this theme for numerous publications and speaks at venues around the world. She is the author of Cows Save the Planet and Water in Plain Sight. A graduate of the Columbia Journalism School and Brown University, she lives in southern Vermont.
Books by Judith D. Schwartz
Alan Scott
Alan Scott was a craftsman and metaphysician who combined a lifetime’s experience in metalwork, farming, and masonry oven-building with a constant awareness of the spiritual dimension of our activities on this earth. Originally from Australia, Alan lectured and led workshops throughout the U.S., under the aegis of his oven building and consultation firm, Ovencrafters, which is based in Petaluma, California. He returned to his native Australia several years ago after becoming ill. He died Jan. 26, 2009, in Tasmania. He was 72.
Books by Alan Scott
Mike Shanahan
Mike Shanahan is a freelance writer with a doctorate in rainforest ecology. He has lived in a national park in Borneo, bred endangered penguins, investigated illegal bear farms, produced award-winning journalism and spent several weeks of his life at the annual United Nations climate change negotiations. He is interested in what people think about nature and our place in it. His writing includes work published by The Economist, Nature, The Ecologist and Ensia, and chapters of Dry: Life without Water (Harvard University Press); Climate Change…
Books by Mike Shanahan
Hank Shaw
A lifelong angler. sometimes commercial fisherman, and former chef, Hank Shaw has caught and cooked fish and seafood in nearly every state and province in the US and Canada over the course of nearly 45 years. He is the author of four award-winning cookbooks, most recently Pheasant, Quail, Cottontail, which won the IACP Award for best self-published book in 2019. Shaw also runs the James Beard Award-winning website Hunter Angler Gardener Cook ( He has been featured on numerous television shows, including Travel Channel’s Bizarre…
Books by Hank Shaw
Rhonda Sherman
Extension Specialist Rhonda Sherman is the director of the Compost Learning Lab at North Carolina State University and one of the leading experts worldwide on vermicomposting. Rhonda travels extensively to present workshops and to consult with farmers, businesses, and institutions on the development and management of vermicomposting systems. She organizes the highly successful annual NC State Vermiculture Conference, which for nineteen years has drawn participants from across the United States and around the globe. She is a co-editor of Vermiculture Technology and has written extensively…
Books by Rhonda Sherman
Michael Shuman
Michael H. Shuman is an economist, attorney, author, and entrepreneur, and a globally recognized expert on community economics. He is one of the architects of the crowdfunding JOBS Act signed into law by President Obama in April 2012. He’s a fellow at Cutting Edge Capital and Post Carbon Institute and a founding board member of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). He teaches economic development at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. He has authored or coauthored nine books, including Local Dollars, Local…
Books by Michael Shuman
Linda Smiley
Linda Smiley teaches workshops on cob, sculpting sacred spaces, intuitive design, and natural plasters and finishes. With a background as a recreational therapist, she specializes in helping people use natural building as a tool for personal transformation and healing.
Books by Linda Smiley
Joseph Smillie
Joe Smillie is the senior vice-president of Quality Assurance International, a leading organic certification agency. He is co-author of the books The Orchard Almanac and Rodale’s Chemical-Free Yard & Garden, and is a founding member of the Organic Trade Association, and the International Inspectors Group. He lives in Richmond, Vermont.
Books by Joseph Smillie
Jeffrey M. Smith
International bestselling author of Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette, Jeffrey M. Smith is a widely popular spokesperson on the documented health risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and how biotech companies rig research, gag critics, hijack regulators, and spin fantastic unfulfilled promises. His Institute for Responsible Technology’s Campaign for Healthier Eating in America is designed to achieve the tipping point of consumer rejection of GMOs to force them out of the food supply. He lives in Fairfield, Iowa.
Books by Jeffrey M. Smith
Michael G. Smith
Michael G. Smith teaches practical workshops and consults on cob construction, natural building, and permaculture. He is the author of The Cobber’s Companion: How to Build Your Own Earthen Home and co-editor of The Art of Natural Building: Design, Construction, Resources.