Philip Rutter
Philip Rutter is the chief scientist, founder, and CEO of Badgersett Research Farm; founding president of The American Chestnut Foundation; and past president of the Northern Nut Growers Association. He is an evolutionary ecologist, with a Masters and “ABD” (All But Dissertation of PhD) in zoology, with a minor in animal behavior. At one point he escaped from academia, when he discovered it was not his cup of cappuccino. With a parasitologist PhD advisor, he is deeply trained in the evolution of diseases and symbiotic…
Books by Philip Rutter
Brandon Rutter-Daywater
Dr. Brandon Rutter-Daywater grew up on Badgersett Farm, eating some dirtbut very few hazelnuts—they were all for seed! Dedicated to the long-termviability of the human race, and therefore our concomitant living things, hisformal training is primarily in engineering and biologically inspired robotics.A national merit scholar upon graduating from high school, now he’s the COO atBadgersett, building a family and a house where he’s convinced he’ll be able todo the most good. He is now growing and eating a lot more hazelnuts!
Books by Brandon Rutter-Daywater
Rachel Salatin
Rachel Salatin grew up on Polyface Farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia where she developed a deep appreciation for the land, animals and the work ethic necessary to care for our environment. She received a degree in Interior Design and Business Management and has been working for non-profit art organizations for the past six years. A creative project is always on her drafting table in her home in Staunton, Virginia.
Books by Rachel Salatin
Joel Salatin
Joel Salatin and his family own and operate Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. The farm produces pastured beef, pork, chicken, eggs, turkeys, rabbits, lamb and ducks, servicing roughly 6,000 families and 50 restaurants in the farm’s bioregion. He has written 14 books to date, is editor of Stockman Grass Farmer Magazine, and lectures around the world on land healing and local food systems. Polyface Farm operates a formal apprenticeship program and conducts many educational workshops and events.
Books by Joel Salatin
Kirkpatrick Sale
Kirkpatrick Sale is a prolific scholar and author of more than a dozen books—including Human Scale, Rebels Against the Future, and After Eden: The Evolution of Human Domination. He has been described as the “leader of the Neo-Luddites,” is one of the pioneers of the bioregional movement, and throughout his career has been a regular contributor to The Nation, The New York Times Magazine, CounterPunch, Lew Rockwell, The New York Review of Books, and The Utne Reader, which named him one of 100 living visionaries. Sale is currently the…
Books by Kirkpatrick Sale
John Saltmarsh
John Saltmarsh is one of the founders of The Good Life Center, the Nearing’s former homestead in Harborside, Maine. He is an associate professor at Northeastern University in Boston with a joint appointment in the departments of Cooperative Education and History. He has been a Visiting Research Fellow at the Feinstein Institute for Public Service for Providence College. He resides in Wayland, Massachusetts.
Books by John Saltmarsh
Ann Sayre Wiseman
Ann Sayre Wiseman developed this book while Program Director of the Boston Children’s Museum Visitor’s Center. A therapist, teacher, mother, and grandmother, Ms. Wiseman has written more than a dozen books. She is also an artist with work in the Rockefeller and Hirschorn collections, among others.
Books by Ann Sayre Wiseman
Peg Schafer
Peg Schafer is recognized as one of the pioneers and leaders in the field of the cultivation of Asian herbs. After more than fifteen years of commercial herb cultivation and research at the Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm in Petaluma, California, Schafer has distilled her findings into a guide for growers and practitioners of Chinese medicine. Schafer has played an influential role in establishing a network of organizations including Fu Tian Herbs, the first company in the United States to solely offer certified organic, domestically grown…
Books by Peg Schafer
Judith D. Schwartz
Judith D. Schwartz is a journalist whose work explores nature-based solutions to global environmental and economic challenges. She writes on this theme for numerous publications and speaks at venues around the world. She is the author of Cows Save the Planet and Water in Plain Sight. A graduate of the Columbia Journalism School and Brown University, she lives in southern Vermont.
Books by Judith D. Schwartz
Alan Scott
Alan Scott was a craftsman and metaphysician who combined a lifetime’s experience in metalwork, farming, and masonry oven-building with a constant awareness of the spiritual dimension of our activities on this earth. Originally from Australia, Alan lectured and led workshops throughout the U.S., under the aegis of his oven building and consultation firm, Ovencrafters, which is based in Petaluma, California. He returned to his native Australia several years ago after becoming ill. He died Jan. 26, 2009, in Tasmania. He was 72.