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Axel Klimek

Axel Klimek is the cofounder and managing director of the Center for Sustainability Transformation. He has worked in more than twenty-five countries on four continents, and within a wide spectrum of contexts—helping leaders, organizations, and developmental programs manage complex change processes and improve their performance. His clients have included the African Union Commission, Canon Europe, EY, PWC, Allianz, GIZ, Lufthansa, Unilever, and T-Systems. He lives in Germany.

Books by Axel Klimek

Lee Know

Lee Know, ND, is a licensed naturopathic doctor based out of Canada, and the recipient of several awards. Known by his peers to be a strategic and forward-thinking entrepreneur and researcher, he has held positions as medical advisor, scientific evaluator, and director of research and development for major organizations. Besides managing Scientific Affairs for his own company, he also currently serves as a consultant to the natural-health-products and dietary-supplements industries, and serves on the editorial advisory board for Canada’s most-read natural health magazine. He calls…

Books by Lee Know

The Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine cover

Amy Kolb Noyes

Amy Kolb Noyes lives, works (and cleans) at Indecision Farm, in Vermont. She is a reporter and producer for Vermont Public Radio and you can find her work at or follow her on Twitter @AmyKolbNoyes. She also authored Living the Green Up Way, a story and activity book used in Vermont schools, published by the environmental stewardship nonprofit Green Up Vermont.  

Books by Amy Kolb Noyes

The Nontoxic Housecleaning cover

Larry Korn

Larry Korn was an American who lived and worked on the farm of Masanobu Fukuoka for more than two years in the early 1970s. He was translator and editor of the English-language edition of Mr. Fukuoka’s The One-Straw Revolution and editor of his later book, Sowing Seeds in the Desert. Korn accompanied Mr. Fukuoka on his visits to the United States in 1979 and 1986. He studied Asian history, soil science, and plant nutrition at the University of California, Berkeley, and worked in wholesale and retail…

Books by Larry Korn

The One-Straw Revolutionary cover

Robert Kourik

Robert Kourik installed his first edible landscape in 1978, and is the author of Drip Irrigation, Understanding Roots, Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape, and Lazy-Ass Gardening In the course of his 40-plus years of first-hand experience in sustainable horticulture, he’s received many accolades. Sunset magazine described Robert’s Drip Irrigation book as “The last word on drip irrigation” and “infused with good humor.” Paul Hawken extols his work as “uncommonly valuable.” Rosalind Creasy calls Robert’s books “encyclopedic.” All of Robert’s work and writings were oriented towards sustainability long before the term…

Books by Robert Kourik

The Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and All Climates The Understanding Roots cover The Lazy-Ass Gardening cover The Sustainable Food Gardens cover The Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally cover

Seth Kroeck

Seth Kroeck has been working and managing organic farms in the Northeast and California for the past eight years. He is currently working on his own farm, Crystal Spring Community Farm in Brunswick, Maine, with his wife, Maura, and their son, Griffin.

Books by Seth Kroeck

The Crop Rotation and Cover Cropping cover

Petra Kuenkel

Petra Kuenkel is a full member of the Club of Rome, a leading strategic advisor to pioneering international multi-stakeholder initiatives that tackle sustainability issues, and is the founder and executive director of the Collective Leadership Institute (CLI), an international not-for-profit organization building competence for collaborative change and advocating for high-quality dialogue and cooperation. As a lead faculty member, she designed and conducted high-potential international leadership programs in the United States and the United Kingdom. Based on successful change processes, she developed the Dialogic Change methodology and the Collective Leadership Compass,…

Books by Petra Kuenkel

The Art of Leading Collectively cover

George Lakoff

George Lakoff is the country’s leading expert on the framing of political discourse and one of the world’s most renowned linguists and cognitive scientists. He is the author of numerous books on politics–including Don’t Think of an Elephant!, The Political Mind, Moral Politics, Thinking Points, The Little Blue Book (with Elisabeth Wehling), and Whose Freedom?–as well as numerous books on language and the mind.   Lakoff has consulted with the leaders of hundreds of advocacy groups on framing issues, lectured to large audiences across the…

Books by George Lakoff

The ALL NEW Don't Think of an Elephant! cover

John Lamb Lash

John Lamb Lash is a comparative mythologist known for his ground-breaking work on Gnosticism, the Pagan Mysteries, and shamanism. He is a leading exponent of the power of myth to direct individual experience and drive historical events over the long term. In September 2018, John launched Intended primarily as a platform for the restoration of the Humanities, the Sophianic School of Arts and Sciences echoes the sacred calling of the ancient Mysteries: to guide humanity toward excellence in moral and creative expressions.

Books by John Lamb Lash

The Not in His Image (15th Anniversary Edition) cover

Brad Lancaster

Brad Lancaster is a dynamic teacher, consultant, and designer of regenerative systems. He’s taught throughout North America, Middle East, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia; worked with the City of Tucson and other municipalities to legalize, incentivize, and provide guidance on water-harvesting systems, demonstration sites, and policy; and designed edible rain-irrigated landscapes doubling as flood control and community-building strategies for housing developments, parks, schools, businesses, ranches, and neighborhoods. Brad’s aim is always to boost communities’ true health and wealth by using simple overlapping strategies to augment…

Books by Brad Lancaster

The Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond The Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond