Your search for "resilience" returned matches in Products, Articles, Authors.

Products related to resilience:

The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out

Award-winning therapist Sally Baker shares her professional and personal experience of what it takes to survive trauma, providing practical guidance in the techniques she has refined working with an international array of clients – hypnotherapy, brain wave recursive therapy, EFT and more. To combat physical nasties we need a strong immune system. To combat negative…

The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out
By Sally Baker
Original price was: $24.95.Current price is: $18.71.
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Barn Club

A Tale of Forgotten Elm Trees, Traditional Craft and Community Spirit

Barn Club
By Robert Somerville
Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $8.97.
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Barn Club

A Tale of Forgotten Elm Trees, Traditional Craft and Community Spirit

Barn Club
By Robert Somerville
Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.50.
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Cultural Emergence

A Toolkit for Transforming Ourselves and the World

Cultural Emergence
By Looby Macnamara
Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $22.46.
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From What Is to What If

Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want

From What Is to What If
By Rob Hopkins
Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $8.97.
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Igniting a New Carbon Drawdown Economy to End the Climate Crisis

By Albert Bates, Kathleen Draper
Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $4.49.
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Going Over Home

A Search for Rural Justice in an Unsettled Land

Going Over Home
By Charles Thompson, Jr.
Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $4.50.
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Shut It Down

Stories from a Fierce, Loving Resistance

Shut It Down
By Lisa Fithian
Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $9.97.
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Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 2, 2nd Edition
By Brad Lancaster
Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $37.46.
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Local Is Our Future

Steps to an Economics of Happiness

Local Is Our Future
By Helena Norberg-Hodge
Original price was: $12.95.Current price is: $9.71.
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Farming for the Long Haul

Resilience and the Lost Art of Agricultural Inventiveness

Farming for the Long Haul
By Michael Foley
Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.
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Community-Scale Composting Systems

A Comprehensive Practical Guide for Closing the Food System Loop and Solving Our Waste Crisis

Community-Scale Composting Systems
By James McSweeney
Original price was: $59.95.Current price is: $29.98.
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Making Massive Small Change

Ideas, Tools, Tactics: Building the Urban Society We Want

Making Massive Small Change
By Kelvin Campbell
Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $22.50.
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The Worm Farmer’s Handbook

Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting for Farms, Businesses, Municipalities, Schools, and Institutions

The Worm Farmer’s Handbook
By Rhonda Sherman
Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $14.97.
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Farming While Black

Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land

Farming While Black
By Leah Penniman
Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $17.48.
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Articles related to resilience:

Resilience and the Lost Art of Agricultural Inventiveness

After twenty years in academia, Michael Foley began farming first in southern Maryland, and then in Willits, California, where he, his wife, and oldest daughter currently operate the small, diversified Green Uprising Farm. Foley is cofounder of the School of Adaptive Agriculture, a farmer training and education program where he is a board member and…

Lessons in Resilience: How to Plan a Successful Farm Business

Humans specialize in resilience. We have the capability to create wondrous things out of seemingly nothing and continuously reinvent ourselves. However, when the world is against us, it may seem impossible to accomplish our goals. Leah Penniman, co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, wanted nothing more than to be able to provide nourishing food for her…

Why Rebuilding Resilience Is As Important As Cutting Carbon Emissions

Learn how to practice resilience to become more self-sufficient and self-reliant in the future. The following article has been adapted for the web from The Transition Handbook: From oil dependency to local resilience by Rob Hopkins. What is resilience? The concept of resilience is central to my book. In ecology, the term resilience refers to…

Resilience in Challenging Times: A Message From Our Publisher

Dear Readers and Supporters, As you know, Chelsea Green has been at the forefront of publishing books on self-sufficiency and sustainable living for over 35 years. Given the hundreds of books we’ve published and the groundbreaking authors we’ve had the privilege to work with, we like to think we have a lot to share about…

Focusing on Soil Remediation with Fungi

Nature does what needs to be done if we let her. The fungi and the plants will sing this soil redemption song for us. As the fungi and the plants always have.

The Art of Grazing: What Is “Good” Silvopasture Grazing?

If you’re not familiar with silvopasture, you should be. The integrated system offers both the promise of land regeneration and economic livelihood.

Grow Mushrooms on Your Jeans. Seriously.

Do you have an old, worn-out pair of jeans in your dresser? Instead of throwing them out, try to grow mushrooms on them. Follow this simple step-by-step outline to start growing mushrooms in the unlikeliest of places…on your pants! The following is an excerpt from Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation by Tradd Cotter. It has…

Perennial Power: Why You Need Perennials in Your Garden

Keeping up with a garden can be a lot of work; luckily, there’s a secret weapon that will take away some of your stress. Perennials are the perfect addition to any garden, and only have to be planted once a decade! The following is from The Resilient Farm and Homestead, Revised and Expanded Edition by…

The Endless Arugula Bed

What if we told you that there was a way to extend your growing season and save time & money? The answer is all in arugula. With quick hoops and greenhouse film, you’ll be on your way to harvesting sweet & flavorful arugula in no time.  The following excerpt is from The Resilient Farm and…

How to Make Mulch With Fallen Leaves

The leaves are falling, which means it’s time to start raking and figuring out what to do with them. This year, try turning your fallen leaves into mulch for your garden! The following is an excerpt from Will Bonsall’s Essential Guide to Radical, Self-Reliant Gardening by Will Bonsall. It has been adapted for the web.…

Not Level? No Problem. How to Build a Greenhouse on a Slope

Is your yard uneven or sloped, but you want to build a greenhouse? It may not seem like the “perfect spot,” but building a greenhouse on a slope actually comes with a couple of benefits that you won’t get from making one a level site. The following is an excerpt is from The Bio-Integrated Farm by…

9 Things to Consider When Building Your Own Greenhouse

Daydreaming of extending your growing season and building your own greenhouse? After considering the following factors and making a few additional preparations, you’ll be all set to grow food for you and your family in your backyard greenhouse for years to come. The following is an excerpt from The Forest Garden Greenhouse by Jerome Osentowski.…

Goats Gone Wild: The World’s First Farm Animal

Looking for advice on maintaining a happy herd? These tips will help you care for your goats in ways that will keep them healthy, safe, and productive. The following is an excerpt from Holistic Goat Care by Gianaclis Caldwell. It has been adapted for the web. Understanding Goats Understanding an animal’s complete needs—including mental and…

In Search of Wild Yeast: Using Foraged Yeast to Create Your Own Brews

Since the dawn of humanity, people have enjoyed a deep relationship with yeasts. You may not realize it, but yeast spores are present everywhere. They’re in the air we breathe; in plants, flowers, fruits, and soil; and even on our skin. And, perhaps more importantly, yeast is a key ingredient used in making alcoholic drinks. More…

Farming for the Long Haul: It Takes a Village

It’s almost impossible to achieve farming for the long haul without a group of caretakers behind the scenes, making sure everyone’s needs are met. For hundreds of years, women made up these “caring communities,” supporting families, making food, and bettering community life. Though the makeup of these caring communities has changed over the years, the…

Authors related to resilience:

Courtney White

Courtney White is a former archaeologist and Sierra Club activist who dropped out of the “conflict industry” to cofound the Quivira Coalition, a nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to building a radical center among ranchers, conservationists, and public land managers around practices that improve resilience in Western working landscapes. In 2005, Wendell Berry included Courtney’s essay…

Chris Smaje

Chris Smaje has coworked a small farm in Somerset, southwest England, for the last twenty years. Previously, he was a university-based social scientist, working in the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey and the Department of Anthropology at Goldsmiths College. Since switching focus to the practice and politics of agroecology, he’s written for…

Shawn Dougherty

Shawn and Beth Dougherty have been farming together for over thirty years, the last twenty in eastern Ohio on their home farm, the Sow’s Ear, where they and their children raise grass, dairy and beef cows, sheep, pigs, and poultry. They identify intensive grass management as the point of union between good stewardship and good…

Beth Dougherty

Shawn and Beth Dougherty have been farming together for over thirty years, the last twenty in eastern Ohio on their home farm, the Sow’s Ear, where they and their children raise grass, dairy and beef cows, sheep, pigs, and poultry. They identify intensive grass management as the point of union between good stewardship and good…

Tao Orion

Tao Orion is a permaculture designer, teacher, homesteader, and mother living in the southern Willamette Valley of Oregon. She teaches permaculture design at Oregon State University and at Aprovecho, a 40-acre nonprofit sustainable-living educational organization. Tao consults on holistic farm, forest, and restoration planning through Resilience Permaculture Design, LLC. She holds a degree in agroecology…