A Cluckin’ Good Time: Why Chickens Rule the Roost


If you’ve ever wondered what your life is missing, the answer is probably chickens. These feathery friends can help fertilize your soil, mow your lawn, and even lay the eggs you eat for breakfast. What could be better than that? 

To celebrate our favorite member of the poultry flock, we’ve rounded up some wisdom from our farming and homesteading authors who appreciate the value of the chicken. 

Take a peck at these suggestions:

chickensHow to Choose the Right Breed for Your Poultry Flock

With so many options to choose from, selecting a good breed for your poultry flock can feel overwhelming. There are many different factors to take into consideration such as climate, scale of anticipated project, level of commitment, whether or not children will be involved, and more.

chickensA Checklist for Broiler Chicks

Thinking about raising broiler chicks? There’s a lot to know! Thankfully, Joel Salatin knows A LOT about homesteading and raising poultry.

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chickensManage Your Chicken Manure: The Joys of Deep Litter

Ever heard the phrase, “always follow your nose?” As it turns out, this is a good rule of thumb when it comes to chicken manure—but what is it that your nose is telling you? Composting chicken manure in deep litter in the coop will build better chicken health, reduce labor and retain most of the nutrients for your garden.

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chickensUn-Coop your Poop: Everything you Need to Know about Chicken Tractors

If you keep your laying hens in a stationary coop, you’re missing out on their incredible soil building talents. Un-coop that chicken poop by putting your flock in a mobile shelter!

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chickensYou’ve Got Mail. And it’s Chicks!

There’s nothing quite like having a box of cute, fluffy chicks arrive in the mail. It’s miraculous that a newly hatched chick can survive without food and water for exactly the amount of time it takes to mail a package from anywhere in the United States to anywhere else in the United States.

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chickensDon’t Bawk: The Wild and Wonderful Chicken Tractor

Aside from the sheer pleasure of telling your friends that you maintain your garden using something called a “chicken tractor,” there are a slew of other benefits to working the land with a few of your animal friends.

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chickensAre You Team Duck or Team Chicken?

Thinking about adding a laying flock to your backyard, but having trouble deciding between ducks and chickens? Agonize no more.

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chickensLow-Risk Silvopasture: Chickens, Turkeys, Guinea Hens, Ducks and Geese

Interested in getting started with silvopasture? Consider purchasing a flock of poultry! Poultry flocks add value to your managed ecosystem (pest control, soil turnover, etc.) which will, in turn, allow them to flourish and be productive livestock. You will have to decide, though, which type of poultry will work best with your particular ecosystem: chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese?

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Video: Natural Feed Options for Poultry Flocks

Homesteader and author Harvey Ussery discusses natural feed options for poultry, including self-harvesting methods and using weeds as supplemental nutrition.

The most comprehensive guide to date on raising all-natural poultry for the small-scale farmer, homesteader, and professional grower. The Small-Scale Poultry Flock, Revised Edition offers a practical and integrative model for working with chickens and other domestic fowl, based entirely on natural systems.

Recommended Reads

Silvopasture: What in the world is it?

Naturally Feeding Your Flock: Feed Poultry With Fresh Greens

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