What is Water?

water with bubbles

Since his bout with throat cancer, ForeWord Editor-in-Chief Matt Sutherland has been hot to discover the most reputable integrative health and wellness books that address alternative approaches to cancer prevention and treatment. Cancer and the New Biology of Water is one of these books.

The following is an excerpt from Sutherland’s interview with Thomas Cowan from the Winter 2019 Seasonal Journal. This interview first appeared in ForeWord Reviews and has been edited and adapted for this use. It has been adapted for the web.

In the book, you clarify the misconception that water has only three states—liquid, ice, and steam—when, in fact, there’s a fourth: gel, or “structured” water. This form of water/gel is what’s inside our cells and you credit it with being a carrier of the body’s life force, the single most important factor for our well-being. Please tell us how you arrived at this conclusion?

I arrived at this conclusion mostly by looking at physiology and what the most important and successful cancer programs are trying to accomplish. Our most important biological functions are to establish voltage or a charge in our cells, which is accomplished by the intracellular gel. This allows the cells to assume their proper spatial orientation which is key to function and lost in cancer. The intracellular gel also controls the expression of our DNA, another fundamental biological function. We are far too focused on the gene and not how it gets expressed. The expression is a result of its being acted on by the gel.water pouring onto hands

And, as I said, really all of the successful cancer programs of the last 100 years were working with the gels whether they knew it or not.

What can we do to maintain or improve the health of our intracellular gel?

Intracellular gels are formed from two directions: The first is the quality of the water itself. The second is the [energetic] forces that act on the water. Gerald H. Pollack proves this with experiments in which he suspends a horizontal hydrophilic tube in water. If you have water with toxins in it, you get less flow. If sun shines on the water, the flow increases. If you put it directly on the earth, the flow increases; if you put your hands or your dog next to the water, same result. If you put your cell phone or any other wireless device next to the water, the flow lessens. Any non-native EMF (Electromagnetic Field) makes the water more chaotic, deteriorates the gels, and causes widespread disease.

Why are EMFs so harmful? What other factors do you think have caused the spike in cancer over the past 100 years?

When you look at cancer incidence over the past 100 years, there was a spike with the introduction of AM radio, then another spike with FM radio, then television, then electronic devices, then 3G and 4G—and the coming spike with 5G will make the previous spikes look like child’s play. My four horsemen of the apocalypse are EMFs, glyphosate/modern agriculture, vaccines, and school.

You write that healthy, structured water in the body is infused with “life force.” Are we getting closer to discovering a way to source this life force directly?

Yes. People, including me, are busy using energy devices [to directly enhance the body’s life force], which, while not perfect, hold great promise for the future of medicine.

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Read The Book

Cancer and the New Biology of Water


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