It’s National Book Lovers Day! Hip Hip, Hooray!

book lovers day

f you’re anything like us, this might be one of your favorite days of the year. To help you celebrate as only book lovers can (with a stack of tomes in your favorite reading nook), we’ve rounded up a few Chelsea Green faves – from bestsellers to staff favorites to brand new, just hit the shelves books you MUST snag immediately. Enjoy, bookworms.

eager Eager is a powerful story about one of the world’s most influential species, how North America was colonized, how our landscapes have changed over the centuries, and how beavers can help us fight drought, flooding, wildfire, extinction, and the ravages of climate change.


“Goldfarb has built a masterpiece of a treatise on the natural world, how that world stands now and how it could be in the future if we protect beaver populations. He gives us abundant reasons to respect environment-restoring beavers and their behaviors, for their own good and for ours.” —Washington Post Review

The Wildcrafting Brewer will attract herbalists, foragers, natural-foodies, and chefs alike with the author’s playful and relaxed philosophy. Readers will find themselves surprised by how easy making your own natural drinks can be, and will be inspired, again, by the abundance of nature all around them.


“Pascal Baudar takes wild fermentation to the next level with wild plants, wild yeasts, and wild bacteria. His methods are effective, and his creativity is infectious. With gorgeous photos and clear technical details, this book will be a source of great inspiration.”
—Sandor Ellix Katz, author of Wild Fermentation and The Art of Fermentation

wildcrafting brewer

mitochondria and the future of medicine In Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine, naturopathic doctor Lee Know tells the epic story of mitochondria, the widely misunderstood and often-overlooked powerhouses of our cells.


“The topic of mitochondria may seem dry and uninteresting to the uninitiated, but this book makes mitochondria come to life with vivid descriptions accessible even to those with no training in biology. From infertility to aging to cancer and neurological disease, Dr. Lee Know will teach you that mitochondria play a central role in much that we care about in health and disease.”—Stephanie Seneff, PhD, senior research scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables offers strategies for farmers to stay flexible and profitable even in the face of changing weather and markets. Much more than a simple exercise in cost-cutting, lean farming is about growing better, not cheaper, food—the food your customers want.

“Ben Hartman is a true innovator for the small farm. The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables takes the lean techniques from his first book even further with new innovations and greater detail. I have been eagerly awaiting this addendum so that I can start trying these practices on my farm. This book is a must for any market grower who wants to push the boundaries of profitability while finding life balance at the same time.”—Curtis Stone, author of The Urban Farmer

lean farm guide to growing vegetables

silvopasture In Silvopasture, farmer Steve Gabriel details a system for regenerating land, storing carbon, and creating climate resilience. For all these reasons and more, this book offers farmers an innovative and ecological alternative to conventional grazing practice.


“A heartfelt, humble, and hope-filled account of the need for people to embrace one another and the landscapes we inhabit, told through the invaluable language of silvopasture. This book is packed with information and practical examples for anyone interested in the benefits of trees and grazing for the health of soil, plants, herbivores, and human beings.”
—Fred Provenza, professor emeritus, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University

art of fermentation don't think of an elephant gaia's garden masterinf artisan cheesemaking
thinking in systems fruit forager's companion letter to a young farmer heal your gut cookbook
organic mushroom farming and mycoremediation herbal formularies for health professionals community food forest handbook tamed & untamed

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