The Vegan Book of Permaculture

Recipes for Healthy Eating and Earthright Living

The Vegan Book of Permaculture cover
Pages:304 pages
Size: 6.75 x 9.5 inch
Publisher:Permanent Publications
Pub. Date: January 15, 2015
ISBN: 9781856232012

The Vegan Book of Permaculture

Recipes for Healthy Eating and Earthright Living

Availability: In stock



How we eat is such a fundamental part of what we are; yet, in our present time-poor culture of prepackaged fast foods, food can become an expensive symptom of alienation and disempowerment. It doesn’t have to be this way! The Vegan Book of Permaculture gives us the tools and confidence to take responsibility for our lives and actions. Creating a good meal, either for ourselves or to share, taking time to prepare fresh, wholesome home- or locally grown ingredients with care and respect can be a deeply liberating experience. It is also a way of taking back some control from the advertising agencies and multinational corporations.

In this groundbreaking and original book, Graham demonstrates how understanding universal patterns and principles, and applying these to our own gardens and lives, can make a very real difference to both our personal lives and the health of our planet. This also isn’t so very different from the compassionate concern for “animals, people, and environment” of the vegan way.

Interspersed with an abundance of delicious, healthy, and wholesome exploitation-free recipes, Graham provides solutions-based approaches to nurturing personal effectiveness and health, eco-friendly living, home and garden design, veganic food growing, reforestation strategies, forest gardening, reconnection with wild nature, and community regeneration with plenty of practical ways to be well fed with not an animal dead! This is vegan living at its best.


Reviews and Praise

  • “Both inspirational and practical, this book offers us an edible pathway to an ethical and tasty future. The fruit of decades of earth-right living, its presentation of a low-impact delicious diet is relevant to all diners and might inform every plate we eat.”--James Piers Taylor, Permaculture Association Trustee

More Reviews and Praise

  • “Graham’s much awaited book is far more than just being about permaculture for vegans. Within you’ll find in-depth information about creating an ecological and abundant lifestyle that applies to us all. Woven in between the diverse topics are a multitude of tasty vegan recipes that Graham has fine-tuned over the years. As a 30-year vegan myself, I’m looking forward to trying them out and delighted to finally see this long-vacant niche being filled so well. Great job, Graham!”--Aranya, permaculture teacher & author of Permaculture Design

  • “In his inimitable maverick fashion, Graham Burnett has jumbled together the pragmatism of Permaculture with the DIY ethos of punk, and come up with an essential and practical guidebook for anyone even remotely interested in the true nature of cultural (r)evolution. So, if you’re looking to ‘get a life’, this would be as good a start as any – now’s the time.”--Penny Rimbaud, Performer, philosopher, writer, and founder of the band/collective, Crass

About Graham Burnett

Graham Burnett teaches permaculture and works with projects and organizations including Comic Relief, Capital Growth, Bioregional, Naturewise, OrganicLea, Birmingham Decoy, Trust Links, Green Adventure, the Vegan Organic Network, Thrive, Ars Terra (Los Angeles), and Ekosense Ecovillage (Croatia), as well as a number of Transition Town initiatives. In addition to cultivating his own garden and allotments, Graham contributes to publications as diverse as Positive News, The Sunday Times, Permaculture Magazine, Permaculture Activist, New Leaves, The Raven, Growing Green, Funky Raw, The Vegan, and The Idler.

Books by Graham Burnett

The Vegan Book of Permaculture cover