Fields of Farmers

Interning, Mentoring, Partnering, Germinating

The Fields of Farmers cover
Pages:304 pages
Size: 6 x 9 inch
Pub. Date: September 27, 2013
ISBN: 9780963810977

Fields of Farmers

Interning, Mentoring, Partnering, Germinating

Availability: In stock



America’s average farmer is sixty years old. When young people can’t get in, old people can’t get out. Approaching a watershed moment, our culture desperately needs a generational transfer of millions of farm acres facing abandonment, development, or amalgamation into ever-larger holdings. Based on his decades of experience with interns and multigenerational partnerships at Polyface Farm, farmer and author Joel Salatin digs deep into the problems and solutions surrounding this land- and knowledge-transfer crisis. This book empowers aspiring young farmers, midlife farmers, and nonfarming landlords to build regenerative, profitable agricultural enterprises.


About Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin and his family own and operate Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. The farm produces pastured beef, pork, chicken, eggs, turkeys, rabbits, lamb and ducks, servicing roughly 6,000 families and 50 restaurants in the farm’s bioregion. He has written 14 books to date, is editor of Stockman Grass Farmer Magazine, and lectures around the world on land healing and local food systems. Polyface Farm operates a formal apprenticeship program and conducts many educational workshops and events. 

Books by Joel Salatin

The Family Friendly Farming cover
The Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal cover
The You Can Farm cover
The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer cover
The Holy Cows and Hog Heaven cover
The Salad Bar Beef cover
The Pastured Poultry Profit$ cover
The Fields of Farmers cover
The Patrick’s Great Grass Adventure cover
The Your Successful Farm Business cover
The Beyond Labels cover
The Polyface Designs cover
The Polyface Micro cover
The Homestead Tsunami cover