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Recommended Reads: Dig into our Articles
Abundant Kudzu: Uncovering the Many Uses
This long-lived perennial legume is used for forage and erosion control. Kudzu is edible with many medicinal uses and other applications. Pollinators of all kinds love its prodigious lavender blooms!
Read MoreBeyond the Maple: Birch & Walnut Syrups
Move aside, maple! We have two new syrups to add to the table. Read on for insights on tapping, selling, and eating syrup from walnut & birch trees.
Read MoreHow to Grow a Year-Round Indoor Salad Garden
Does the cold weather have you dreaming about fresh greens and colorful salad? Grow and harvest sprouts indoors to make those dreams a reality! Follow this quick start guide to year-round greens for fresh salad greens in just a couple of weeks! The following is an excerpt from Year-Round Indoor Salad Gardening by Peter Burke. It…
Read MoreHow to Start Seedlings in a Cold Frame: Gardening Tips from Eliot Coleman
Are you ready to get a jump-start on the gardening season? With a cold frame, you can get started now. A cold frame harnesses the sun’s heat before it’s warm enough to let unprotected seedlings growing outside. Essentially, it consists of a garden bed surrounded by an angled frame and covered with a pane of…
Read MoreMaple Roasted Nuts: A Sweet, Seasonal Treat
Craving something sweet? These delicious maple roasted nuts are the perfect treat to help you push through those end-of-winter blues. The following is an excerpt from Full Moon Feast by Jessica Prentice. It has been adapted for the web. The Magic of Maple: A Rich History Following the Hunger Moon, just before the first thaw…
Read MoreSprouting 101: Easy Breezy Home Seed Sprouting
Sprouts are easy to cultivate, mature quickly and pack a nutritional punch! You can make nutrient-rich sprouts from all kinds of edible seeds in your kitchen.
Read MoreWhy Modern Wheat Is Making Us Sick
Why is modern wheat making us sick? That’s the question posed by author Eli Rogosa in Restoring Heritage Grains. Wheat is the most widely grown crop on our planet, yet industrial breeders have transformed this ancient staff of life into a commodity of yield and profit—witness the increase in gluten intolerance and ‘wheat belly’. Modern…
Read MoreLaying Down Cover Crops in 7 Steps
Want to make the most of the slow gardening season? Lay cover crops to improve the health of your soil and plants! The following is an excerpt from The Celestial Garden by Jane Hawley Stevens. It has been adapted for the web. Benefits of Cover Crops Cover cropping is a management practice that benefits the…
Read MoreUmami Bomb: Caramelized Miso Cheese
If you read our post about growing koji in your kitchen, you’re probably itching to try out those new koji skills! This miso cheese recipe is an excellent next stop on your koji-kitchen journey. Miso cheese is sure to add a twist to any cheese lover’s plate, plus it’s easy to make at home! The following…
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